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carolus press valeria zornitta

St. Anthony Preaching To The Fish

Watercolor and Ink on Paper, 2022

One of the most interesting topics I’ve chosen to illustrate, perhaps because it is a very ancient one and under the context from the work on which it’s based on it has been subverted to have another meaning. In the original story, St. Anthony would preach to the fish and they all listened carefully, until it was done. However in the case of this symphonic poem (“Resurrections”) it takes on a different meaning. The fish listen to the sermon, but when it is over they all remain the same, thieves , gluttons, murderers. This was a rather complicated drawing as I had to capture 3 moments: the arrival of St. Anthony, the gathering of the fish, and the chaos they formed afterwards. The closer they are to St. Anthony, the more organized they look, but as you get further away, you see them fighting each other. (If you look closely the two swordfish are fighting over a dead fish!)

The result is a rather unique and interesting composition.





Funeral March

A strange name for what looks like a declaration of peace to most people. You cannot confront death with a sword however one must come to accept it, this leads to not only a kind of peace but a battle won. Behind, cuckoo birds are struggling wildly against each other. A representation of nature’s fight for survival and against death.

The purity and seriousness in this drawing are heavily inspired by Mahler’s fifth symphony and the movement with the same name.







Stone Tower Temple

Ink and Watercolor on Paper, 2021

It rains fire. The tower is now upside down, were the hero to slip and fall, and he’d fall into the sky. That means he’d be falling forever. The symbolism and architecture are out of this world yet resemble something enough to seem intimidating. It is not common for a piece of fantasy media, even less a game, to gift us with such a powerful scenario which seems straight out of a myth or legend. This is one of my favorite drawings, so much about it is special. You can place it upside down or normal and the composition will still be functional from both angles. While making it I was alternating between the normal view and the upside down version to make sure it worked.





carolus press valeria zornitta



Sepia Ink, Watercolor and Graphite on Paper, 2023

A private commission from a friend of mine. I was very inspired by some of the buildings in San Marino where you can see how they are practically sticking out of a mountain cliff, and I added some greenery and classical ornamental plants (hydrangeas, pansy, sacred flower of the incas.) The tone for this drawing is very warm as I wanted it to feel more mediterranean than northern. It created a very interesting contrast with the design I picked for the young man’s shield, which I am almost certain has origins somewhere in England.





carolus press valeria zornitta



Watercolor, Ink and Graphite on Paper, 2022

A representation of the night. Seriously, think about it, it’s when humans or nature can do whatever they want and they will probably never get noticed. These creatures are parading with a man, they seem to welcome him, perhaps because they don’t get many visitors. The man looks rather unbothered but confused. A small thin black cat is walking next to him seeking attention in the manner of a cat, standing in front of you while you are walking and tangling itself around your legs. During the late months of 2022, before November when I completed this drawing, I went for night walks a lot. There is something bizarre about the black spaces you can see between the leaves of bushes. You never know how many animals are looking at you that you will probably never even see.




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