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The Great Journey

The Great Journey

Author: Zach   A dark realm it is The realm of the sea And what lies beyond Undying, the land waits for eternity To consume or one day be...

Nomadic Nationalism

Nomadic Nationalism

Author: Adam Koopmans     Why some nations can leave behind an architecture-less legacy     Preface: The term ‘’National...

The Eternal Destiny of Rome

The Eternal Destiny of Rome

  ‘When Rome falls, the whole world shall fall.’ -St. Bede (672-735 AD)   If there is any city worthy of being considered the capital of...

Christianity and Vitalism

Christianity and Vitalism

Author: Zenoviel     This essay was largely  inspired by Uberboyo and his comments on the faith. I find a lot of his content to be very...

While The Throne Sits Empty

While The Throne Sits Empty

Author: Greater Myth     This I beheld on a soldier's shield: Some distant city under siege. Amid smoke in the night breeze, The king from...

Five Ways Of Looking At Modernity

Five Ways Of Looking At Modernity

Author: Metabroh The mountains worth climbing are for the most part in your mind.   I can write 1,000 words breaking modernity down and setting...

The Art of Valeria Zornitta

The Art of Valeria Zornitta

  St. Anthony Preaching To The Fish Watercolor and Ink on Paper, 2022 One of the most interesting topics I’ve chosen to illustrate, perhaps...