The Great Journey

The Great Journey

Author: Zach   A dark realm it is The realm of the sea And what lies beyond Undying, the land waits for eternity To consume or one day be Challenged No boats, no men, ever come back   The Abyss; Hell on earth The sea, the unstoppable force Of nature,...
Dostoevsky and the Limits of Ideology

Dostoevsky and the Limits of Ideology

Author: fangorn_isim     The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky is perhaps the most profound work of the entire Victorian era. While ostensibly a murder mystery novel, Dostoevsky’s masterpiece is actually an expertly-crafted treatise on the human...
Nomadic Nationalism

Nomadic Nationalism

Author: Adam Koopmans     Why some nations can leave behind an architecture-less legacy     Preface: The term ‘’National Spirit’’ as is used in this text is purely used to indicate the cultural, intellectual and moral values that these nations had....
Tolkien’s Catholic Mythopoeic Vision

Tolkien’s Catholic Mythopoeic Vision

Author: Georg Sellner Editors note: the author’s first language is not English. We hope to publish another version in German as well.     The Works of Tolkien — especially his legendarium — have an incredible and enormous depth to them. You can dive...
The Eternal Destiny of Rome

The Eternal Destiny of Rome

  ‘When Rome falls, the whole world shall fall.’ -St. Bede (672-735 AD)   If there is any city worthy of being considered the capital of the West (if not the world), it is the Eternal City of Rome. Since at least the first century before Christ, when the...