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The Great Journey
Author: Zach A dark realm it is The realm of the sea And what lies beyond Undying, the land waits for eternity...
Dostoevsky and the Limits of Ideology
Author: fangorn_isim The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky is perhaps the most profound work of...
Nomadic Nationalism
Author: Adam Koopmans Why some nations can leave behind an architecture-less legacy ...
Tolkien’s Catholic Mythopoeic Vision
Author: Georg Sellner Editors note: the author's first language is not English. We hope to publish another version in...
The Eternal Destiny of Rome
‘When Rome falls, the whole world shall fall.’ -St. Bede (672-735 AD) If there is any city worthy of...
Christianity and Vitalism
Author: Zenoviel This essay was largely inspired by Uberboyo and his comments on the faith. I find a...